Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Joy of Being a Mom...

Well, Nathaniel Jacob got his first professional pictures taken this weekend at the Picture People... of course it took us forever to get him to smirk - and then he got MAD! We only got 3 good shots of him, and the two above came out the best. We'll try in a few months again.

His teeth are now bothering him - it all started about two weeks ago when I noticed him drooling a whole lot more than before, and slowly but surely, his bottom gums are getting whiter! I can't believe it! I had to buy some containers to clear out some of the clothes he has already outgrown... it's full! He's growing and changing so fast. I'd say he's over 13 pounds now! His sleeping patterns are getting more consistent, and I am enjoying it while it lasts! He's been sleeping from 8:30pm-4:00am for about a week and a half! Horray for Mom and Dad! :)