Monday, January 10, 2005

Happy New Year!

Wow - 2005... I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. The holidays just went by too fast for me. It was really great to spend time with family and also get some REST! :) Well, we're well into January and I have a little over 8 weeks until my due date! Thank God, I am feeling good - I am pretty much exhausted by the end of the day - I DO work with 5 year olds!!! Little Peanut does love to move - patterns of movement are rather defined now. I can't stay in bed past 8am - I guess since I am up early for work, the baby is used to my movement by that time during the day! He/she has also found my ribs and often pushes feet up there - usually at night! I can't imagine that in as little as two months he/she will be HERE... :)

Here's a little info on Peanut's development at 32 weeks:

The baby's appearance is changing rapidly during this week. Most of the wrinkles are disappearing from your baby's face, and there may be a lot of hair on his or her head. In fact, as the lanugo hair on his or her body begins to fall off, hair is growing even faster. By week 32, some babies already have a thick head of hair, while others have only a few strands. Baby is now about four pounds and about 15.5 inches long, an incredible increase of almost two pounds from last month. In other developmental news this week, Baby:

• Will have completely formed fingernails and toenails.
• Will be able to turn her head from side to side.
• Has organs that continue to mature.
• Has sucking muscles that have matured, and will enable her to latch on and breastfeed once she arrives. (A good sucking pattern is also a sign of good brain and muscle development.)
• Will begin dreaming during sleep toward the end of the eighth month, according to brain scans. Due to her impressive brain development, her sleep will now include both REM and non-REM sleep stages.

I'll post some Christmas pics soon! Bye!