Merry Christmas Everyone!
I had a dr. appointment today and everything is going just wonderfully, thank God! I was a little concerned about the glucose test (for gestational diabetes) but my numbers came back completely normal. Only 80 more days! That's CRAZY... but I am beginning to understand how women begin to look forward to having the baby now that I am in my 3rd trimester... for example, sleeping comfortably has become even more of a challenge than before. Last week, Peanut decided to sit on (or KICK) my sciatic nerve, and I had terrible back pain. With the help of my chiropractor, tons of pillows and our new TempurPedic mattress (a plug my wonderful yet obsessed husband INSISTED I include), I am feeling much better and getting enough rest. Oh, the joys of being pregnant! :)
I pray everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday ~ all the very best in the coming new year!
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