Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Drumroll, please...

Nathaniel Jacob FINALLY has a tooth! Well, it looks more like a grain of rice than a tooth, but hey, I'll take it!

Since Christmas break, Nathan has definitely grown in the personality department. He really is a happy baby... I am so going to miss his wide, toothless smile! It is so interesting to see how freely he talks and expresses himself when he knows the company. Whenever a new face enters the scene, however, he becomes the most serious baby on Earth! Yet, on the flip side... don't DARE attempt to change his diaper without giving him some kind of diversion. He now hates lying on his back for ANYTHING! Nate will scream and shut his eyes really tight and then in the next moment, he'll just stare at you. I really think he thinks I am THAT gullible!

Along with the developing personality has come the mastery of crawling; he LOVES this new found freedom... Nate has become a daredevil, throwing himself in any direction - thank God for his cushioned pack 'n play! I can't believe that in two months time he has become so independent.

On Friday Nathaniel will turn 11 months old... I am already planning his birthday party - or should I say partIES! Yes, he is having two parties. God help us all. It WILL be the social event of the season - complete with music, art, food, and of course, tons of birthday cake!