Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Welcome Autumn!

At times I can't remember life before Nathaniel, but then again, it's only been seven months! Nathan is doing incredibly well. He had a doctor's appointment on September 22nd and he weighed in at a hefty 21 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 28 1/2 inches! He's eating all kinds of fruits and veggies - he even likes peas! YET... not one tooth has made its appearance. When are these teeth going to come in! He bites on EVERYTHING he can get his hands on... just like every other typical baby, I guess. He loves to talk; it's adorable how he moves his mouth around and makes all kinds of noise - such a change from a few months ago. He loves being outside - Titi Betty got him the cushion to use in shopping carts, and the first time I used it, he enjoyed every minute looking around without an obstructed view! The look on his face was priceless! I am anxious to see how he will enjoy the cooler weather. And SNOW! :)

Our little baby boy is growing up...  Posted by Picasa

Mom, the icing goes in my MOUTH! Posted by Picasa

Oh, the many faces of little Nate... Posted by Picasa

Happy 7 months, Nathaniel Jacob! Posted by Picasa

What a face... that's my baby boy! Posted by Picasa

Laughing it up with my dad... he's a RIOT! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I never want to forget...

The way you talk when I am trying to hold a conversation with someone else. The way you turn the pages when we read your books. The way you need to fall asleep with your pacifier and a blanket at your cheek. The way you reach for my face when I am feeding you. Your face when you see your baby food bowl and spoon. Your laughs and squeals when I chase you around the house while Daddy holds you. How you have changed my life.

My favorite bib from Titi Angie: I LOOK like Mommy, but EAT like Daddy! Posted by Picasa

Having a great time being a baby! Nathaniel Jacob @ 6 months! Posted by Picasa

If you people REALLY love me...

You will not let me endure this TORTURE! (Yes, it's another message from Nathaniel Jacob) Well, for my ENTIRE life, I have had tasty cupcakes and pieces of cake placed just out of my reach, have my picture taken with it, and THEN I get to see my Mom or Dad EAT it! Who does this to their children??? Does anyone else feel my pain??? Well, this month I really thought I had Mommy tricked. I sat there for yet ANOTHER pose with a delicious piece of cake inches away, and I didn't try to grab it. She moved it from the corner of my tray to the center, and just as she turned around, I grabed for it and GOT it! What a sense of accomplishment! I figured she loved me enough to let me have MY piece of cake, but NO! She even wiped the icing I had on my fingers off... how cruel. I am asking those of you who visit my blog and profess to care for me to start a petition- if there are enough of you out there in cyberland, maybe we can force my parents to finally give me my cake! PLEASE! If I have one more picture taken with baked goods, I might just loose it! The following pictures are my evidence. Thanks for listening...

Wait... is that... CAKE? Posted by Picasa

Yes! It IS cake! Maybe this time I can FINALLY get a taste... Posted by Picasa

Hey Mom, that is just wrong... but wait, maybe I can reach it... Posted by Picasa

WOOHOO! I FINALLY GOT IT! Posted by Picasa